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The Movie-Making Secrets That You Probably Didn't Know

What would you give to know the secrets of your favorite movies shooting? there are so many little things that we would not even suspect in the complexity of the shoot. Cinema is indeed the place of illusions. It is a fascinating world. Like magicians, filmmakers sometimes use real tricks to create the desired moods. Noise, false visual elements, acting ... The tricks are not lacking to give a dash of realism to the movies. And yet, the truth is never really the one we believe …

7 | The crowds are not 'always' real

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Many people are needed to create crowds in movies. This results in a budget that is often large. So the filmmakers found other equally effective methods: computer technology. Just take a picture of a small group of people at a good angle, then leverage it with editing software. Otherwise, the inflatable dolls are also very effective.

6 | Do actors really smoke and take drugs in movies?

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Of course, there is no heroin or cocaine on the set! The white powders that you see are cons and well swallowed by actors, but it is milk powder, vitamins or icing sugar. For Cigarettes, actors do not smoke real ones, because, with all the shots and all the scenes, they would not survive until the end of the shoot! They use imitations or herbal cigarettes without nicotine. But not always, because some characters want to enter 100% in the skin of their character. For example, during the filming of The Evil Dead, in order to convincingly interpret the characters who smoked marijuana, the actors actually smoked. As a result, they failed to play at all. The beer is apple juice, Strong alcohol is vinegar, The ice cubes in glass are gelatin, Sweat is rose water or glycerin.

5 | Glass Breaking scenes

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Breaks of glass in action movies seem totally real: that's the goal. But did you know it's not about glass? This would hurt the actors or stunt even the most experienced. Glass is usually replaced by sugar! But this technique is more and more neglected for plastics.

4 | Dialogues In The Car

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Who has never been noticed by seeing a scene where two actors exchange a few words in a car: the driver looks more often at the passenger than the road! But in fact, this is of no vital importance, since the car does not roll on the road. No, screens that scroll with landscapes are no longer relevant! But then how does it work? The car is simply hoisted and maintained on a trailer (which, on the other hand, rolls in real life!)

3 | Greenscreen

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Have you ever seen the mysterious green screen on movie shoots? This is called the chroma key. It offers filmmakers infinite possibilities. These screens allow you to attach any digital image and turn a banal green background into a magnificent setting. By filming the hero with this background, we can order the computer to "eliminate all the green pixels" and thus obtain an image inlay of the hero alone, and then place it on the bottom that we want. During filming, the chroma key screen can be of any color, but green is usually used because this color is not present in the complexion of human skin, making it less difficult to eliminate. then. You can see how this awesome process works in the Game of Thrones series for instance.

2 | Kids in Horror Movies

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How are scenes with children shot in horror movies? It's a good question. They are presented with everything in the form of a game: running with a doll, spilling red fruit juice or talking with a man. In most cases, children are not aware that they are shooting in a horror movie. On the set, everything is normal. It is later, during post-production, that special effects and background sound are added.

1 | Mirror scenes

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To film a mirror while avoiding that the camera is reflected is also complicated. But again, there are tips. For example, the camera must be in a particular angle to not reflect in the mirror behind the actor. The latter then looks at the reflection of the camera, and thus gives the impression that he is looking at himself.