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How To Escape The Friend Zone

you have probably heard the famous phrase "let's be just friends. " I'd say 100 times. Why? you did not have the courage to say no to that person. accepting her conditions and becoming friends with him. You should know that often, the friend zone means that you waited too long between the acting up It happens when you are shy in love or waited a long time before acting up. And it's often catching up! But in some cases, the friend zone can also mean that this girl likes you but she did not show at all interested by you. So how to make a difference? And how to reverse? Few and simple Techniques to escape quickly from the Friendzone to build your own Lovezone.

Disappear for a little while

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Do not take a plane to the end of the world, but disappear slightly from the view. she'll even understand that life is more fun on your side and you'll have a little bit of bigotry to find out where you are, what you're doing, and if you're going to join him.

Spend more time together

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If you are in the friend zone, you probably see each other with your group of friends. So, if you spend time together while having a lot of people around you, this is not ideal for flirting. To change, try to spend evenings together, go for a drink, invite them to spend an afternoon together somewhere. Spending more time both will surely allow it to change their image of you, and you, take advantage of it to bring more attachment between you two.


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Do not necessarily take out the big cleavage and skinny jeans. We are not talking here about playing very sexy just to surprise the person so that he or she looks at you differently. Maybe this girl knows you too much if you see her for a long time. You have become a piece of furniture for her, nothing new, nothing seductive. So, to catch his eyes, you'll have to stand out and make yourself noticed. To begin, show him that you are living your life without it. Make it turn into new Instagram pictures of new activities or a sport without you having spoken to it. This will make you more mysterious and therefore attractive. Respond more effortlessly to her messages, do not always say what you do …

Don't put all your eggs in one basket

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That is to say, never put all your resources in a single project, taking the risk of being able to lose everything in one shot. The same thing applies here in our case. You have to go out to meet other people. Your friends, you have other friends, right? Well start working on your social circle and boost it, you will spark off her curiosity.

No romantic dates

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Don’t tell a girl: “I invite you tonight at the restaurant X” but instead: “Hey! tonight I'm going to eat a good meal at the restaurant X, it would be cool if you could join me”. You give the girl control of the situation. However, in the second expression, you tell her that you have already decided to go to this cool restaurant, and even if she does not agree to join you, you will go anyway. You do not care about her decision actually. So yes, never invite her to do anything, but make sure she accompanies you.

Confusion is the key to seduction

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This is the most powerful technique in seduction. It should be your massive weapon of seduction ... Never hesitate to place destabilizing remarks and subtle phrases that hide your interest. Like saying: “you are more than a friend to me, a little sister with whom I discuss and share everything” 15 minutes later if she puts a good perfume, tell her “You should stop using this perfume on you. It's very sexy, and I'm afraid, one day, to jump on you ... It excites me …” This is called the art of flirting.