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19 Rare Photos You Need to See at Least Once in Your Life

To live is to wonder about people’s imaginations, the powers of nature, and even the simplest things that surround us every single day. And if sometimes you feel a lack of inspiration, all you need to do is take a look around you and try to see ordinary things from a completely different angle. Hopefully, this article will give a boost to your imagination and remind you of how great and diverse our world can be.

19. When a sheep hasn’t been sheared for 6 years:

19 Rare Photos You Need to See at Least Once in Your Life

18. This is how babies get X-rays.

19 Rare Photos You Need to See at Least Once in Your Life

17. A handprint of an 8-year-old boy after playing outside

19 Rare Photos You Need to See at Least Once in Your Life

16. How the sun looks when you take pictures at the same place and time every week for a year:

15. The life cycle of a leaf

14. A turtle coming out of hibernation

19 Rare Photos You Need to See at Least Once in Your Life

13. An Egyptian passport of the legendary Pharaoh, Ramesses II.

19 Rare Photos You Need to See at Least Once in Your Life

12. This sealed plastic bottle shows how air pressure changes with height.

19 Rare Photos You Need to See at Least Once in Your Life

11. The incredible powers of a ballet dancer

19 Rare Photos You Need to See at Least Once in Your Life

10. An electrician was left with stars in his eyes after experiencing a 14,000-volt shock through his body.

19 Rare Photos You Need to See at Least Once in Your Life

9. The before and after pictures of a man who walked across China for a year

19 Rare Photos You Need to See at Least Once in Your Life

8. This sunset above the clouds looks like lava in the sky.

19 Rare Photos You Need to See at Least Once in Your Life

7. A 10-MB hard disk from the 1960’s

19 Rare Photos You Need to See at Least Once in Your Life

6. A visual representation of how many earths could fit inside the sun

19 Rare Photos You Need to See at Least Once in Your Life

5. A seed travels a long way to get to your cup of coffee.

4. Apparently, hairless guinea pigs look exactly like tiny hippos.

3. The world’s smallest city park located in Portland, OR

19 Rare Photos You Need to See at Least Once in Your Life

2. Millions of years in one picture

1. A polar bear paw compared to human hands

19 Rare Photos You Need to See at Least Once in Your Life