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What Would You Do First in This Situation?

There are a lot of things in life that can reveal a lot about you, like everyday habits and body language. Even your smartphone choice can reveal aspects of your personality!

We are accustomed to thinking that in any situation there are only two types of solutions - right and wrong. However, our test is not about that. You cannot choose the “wrong” answer, because they are all correct.

What would you do first?

1. Turn off the boiling kettle

If you choose a kettle, it may mean that you are hot and hot-tempered. You make decisions quickly and without the slightest hesitation, and nothing can stop you on your way to the goal. 

You can quickly get tired of monotonous activities. You also care about your own safety and do not like surprises. It is easier for you to follow a clear plan that does not involve any surprises.

2. Answer the phone call

The choice of this option may indicate that you are a focused and diplomatic person. You find it difficult to accept the mistakes of other people. You can be described as a business person who can handle multiple tasks at the same time.

You can easily communicate with people. In general, you can say that you like to make useful contacts and be in the centre of attention.

3. Soothe a crying child

If the first thing you try to calm the child, then you are most likely a balanced and enterprising personality. You like to help others, and you are ready to sacrifice yourself for the sake of others.

You are a family man/woman and appreciate the relationship between people. Loneliness scares you, it is important for you that someone is always there. In your opinion, it is better to spend the evening at home with your family than at a noisy party in the bar.

4. To forbid a dog to gnaw a sofa

If you decide to first drive away from the dog from the couch, then we can conclude that you can not endure confusion in any sense: both in the house and in life. It's important for you to keep everything under control.

You will not rest until everything falls into place. You attach great importance to material values ​​and social status. As a rule, you know the answers to all questions and do not get lost in any situation.

How accurately did these statements match your self-image? Agree or disagree with all the characteristics?