20 Worst Type Of Facebook Friends You May Want To “Unfriend” Today

Facebook is like a high-tech, 21st-century disease that has caused a disturbing disconnect in human relationships. It’s slowly transforming the interpersonal communication into something completely foreign. Without face-to-face interaction, users feel a false sense of security.
Sadly, when these users and their Facebook friends hit a bump on the road, situations can get ugly. It’s become such a prevalent problem, that there is a list of the types of people you want to unfriend and block!
So, without further ado, we present the 25 worst types of Facebook friends you want to “unfriend” today!

People Who Tag You In Every Photo They Post

It doesn’t matter if they are in Texas and you’re in Paris, they will tag you in their photo just like you were there with them. Obviously the only motive these people have is to get as many Likes from as many friends they have but oh well.
The One Who Always Posts Sideways Pictures

These people not only post sideways pictures but also leave them that way because they think it’s cool or something. What’s even more annoying is that they usually ask if you like these damn photos and in case you don’t comment or click “Like” they hold it against you.
The Crying “Queen”

This type is usually a woman who likes to cry over every little thing: a movie she saw, a sad song she heard, a relationship that ended twenty years ago, or because she burnt dinner two months ago or broke her nail. Nothing against such people, they have always been this way and they are not faking simply because that’s exactly who they are in real life. The only problem with this type of facebooker is that they always have to make sure they have lots of tissues at home before they log on.
The Troll

Who said trolls don’t exist on Facebook? Some are so brave, they use their “troll” attribute on Facebook just because they feel like it. However, see them in person and they are nothing like their online persona! They are not necessarily rude or obnoxious; they just like to troll for some reason, just like they loved making noise to make noise.
People Who Post Pictures of Everything They Eat

These people have lots in common with the “Way Too Much Information” facebooker (which you will meet soon on the list) but there’s a key difference: they focus exclusively on food. Their photo album contains at least five thousand food-related photos and they take pride in how well they cook and garnish their plate. What’s even more annoying is that for some strange reason these people are usually in great shape, despite their lives revolving around food 24/7.
The Conspiracy Theorist

There are some people who never went to college, but they act like they’re the scholars to every topic under the sun! They’ll talk about the darkest political scandals, scientific discoveries, technological advancements, and historical mysteries. While these “scholars” probably never went to school for any of the topics they seem to be experts in, they will still remain stubborn and debate you to no end.
The Loyal “Online’’ Friend

The loyal “online” friend is a very unique category. You’ve never met them in person before but you added them because they found your profile interesting. Perhaps the friendship came to be when an online mutual friend introduced you both. Don’t be too shocked when you read messages like “I never loved a friend as much as I love you” or “I feel like I’ve known you my whole life.” They’re just exaggerating and they know it, and you need to unfriend them!
The Philosopher

You know for a fact that some of these “philosophers” haven’t read a single book by Plato, Aristotle, Voltaire, and the rest of the titans of philosophy. However, they constantly post inspirational quotes and talk endlessly about living to the quote’s expectations. We know this Facebooker probably has a lot of inner angst and wants the world to know it!
The Angry Type

This type of facebooker is just mad at life. He or she never explains what’s wrong and exactly why they are pissed off. Their posts are never specific and always a little too broad. Some of their favorite expressions include “I hate my life right now,” “I wish I was never born,” and when you try to help or ask what’s wrong, they usually just sign off. You don’t need them in your life so select that unfriend button now!
The Profile Photo Changer

The Profile Photo Changer does just that. They’re constantly changing their profile images and that gets annoying. Whether they need variety or more clicks, they can never settle with just one photo. It’s best to unfriend these insecure, photo-changing Facebookers and not bother with their ever-changing images.