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18 photos that show life from a different perspective

The following selection of photographs gives an unusual perspective of well-known things, places or phenomena. Take a look:
18 photos that show life from a different perspective
1. Shanhaiguan District, where the Great Wall of China begins right on the shore of the Bohai Sea. It’s known as ’Old Dragon’s Head’.
18 photos that show life from a different perspective
2. The inside of one of Google’s data centres.
18 photos that show life from a different perspective
3. A lava lake in the caldera of the Erta Ale volcano, Ethiopia.
18 photos that show life from a different perspective
4. An x-ray of someone’s spine before and after they had treatment for scoliosis.
18 photos that show life from a different perspective
5. The most detailed image of Mercury ever taken.
18 photos that show life from a different perspective
6. Bagger 288, the largest excavator in the world.
18 photos that show life from a different perspective
7. A cross section of an underwater communication cable.
18 photos that show life from a different perspective
8. The Bavarian town of Nördlingen, built inside the crater made by a meteorite which fell to Earth around 14 million years ago.

18 photos that show life from a different perspective
9. Two kilogrammes of fat looks compared to two kilogrammes of muscle.
18 photos that show life from a different perspective
10. Daytona Beach, Florida, 1957.