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16 people who were caught-up lying right at the spot

People get to lie when they feel they will look or sound better. They think that the truth isn't appealing enough.

We brought to you 16 people who tried to fake stuff as a try but they sadly didn't.

1- He captured this as an attempt to look 'cute' while sleeping.

2- Just when you think that Rotten Tomatoes is a decent site.

3- Mark Hamill for the rescue.

4- The Verge is always telling lies, so.

5- The person who captured this photo forgot that the flash is on.

6- Have a nice day.

7- Stock Image. They tried to save money by printing a stock image photo but they didn't think it through.

8- When forgetting that your mom is a friend on FB.

9- Great ambush! However, they forgot about one thing...

10- Let's blame millennials for everything.

11- Nice try but at least a funny one.

12- A perfect plan that failed at the last moment...

13- They tried to sell this in October.

14- Taylor has more 'dates' than Saudi Arabia.

15- His GF likes to take photos of him.

16- Being rich.